Caisse des Écoles du 10e ensures meal safety with Eezytrace

"The dedicated support we received was very qualitative. The team was very responsive and provided solutions tailored to our needs."

Facilitating food safety for employees
meals per day

The 135 employees of the Caisse des Écoles du 10e prepare 6,000 meals a day in the district's 19 kitchens and 6 satellites.

The meals are consumed the same day by the 6,000 children and adults in the district's public schools and colleges.

The challenge is to guarantee the quality and safety of every meal served.

This is where the Eezytrace HACCP application comes in.

Choosing a cutting-edge digital solution

Eezytrace was recently successfully implemented by the Caisse des Écoles du 10e arrondissement de Paris (CdE10), which was looking for a digital solution that could be integrated into the complex structure of its services.

Béatrice Lilienfeld-Magry, Director of CdE10, testifies to the success of this deployment and discusses the various aspects that are essential to them:

Application scope

"Eezytrace provides a single location for data covering the entire HACCP perimeter. Traceability of equipment operation, product and production conformity, compliance with service procedures, and monitoring of cleaning plans are all easily achieved, eliminating the need for numerous forms.

The Manager web portal tool enables optimum supervision of the whole and the production of useful statistics."

Customized settings

"We were able to benefit from customization adapted to our operations, enabling complete and efficient HACCP management of our central and satellite kitchens."

Customized notifications

"Thanks to personalized notifications, we optimize the distribution and processing of information. Greater efficiency and substantial time savings."

Human support

"The dedicated support we received was very qualitative. The team was very responsive and provided solutions tailored to our needs."

Upgrade maintenance

"The flexibility of Eezytrace's evolutionary maintenance means that the solution can be adapted in the event of new CdE10 requirements, without fear of additional development costs."

Ease of use

"The application is ergonomic and intuitive, which has enabled rapid adoption by agents."

CdE10: Excellence and dedication

CdE10, whose mission is to provide healthy, balanced, quality meals, plays an essential role in the blossoming and social development of the youngest children. Its aim is to make every meal not only enjoyable, but also safe and compliant with regulatory requirements. This is where the integration of the Eezytrace application comes into its own.

A vital partnership

Structures such as CdE10 are complex, with a large number of establishments and a diversity of departments involved. It is essential for them to establish solid, lasting partnerships that go beyond the simple supply of software.

Eezytrace has distinguished itself by its ability to adapt and become a real pillar of the quality management system.

The collaboration with CdE10 is a source of pride and reflects a shared commitment to the well-being and education of children, ensuring impeccable food quality and safety.

If you want to improve the management of your facilities, Eezytrace is the solution! Request a demo and find out how Eezytrace can fit into your quality management system.

To go further in risk management, download our step-by-step guide of 36 pages. (Available in English soon)

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