HACCP application: School and university catering

Eezytrace is your partner for guaranteeing food safety in schools. Respect your HACCP standards and optimize your daily catering operations with our digital solution. Protect your guests, avoid food poisoning and gain peace of mind.

Eezytrace helps you protect your facilities and optimize your catering operations

With Eezytrace, make your canteen catering management easier by making your HACCP method self-checks and temperature monitoring more reliable, and ensuring the hygiene and food safety of your meals. Our application offers customized settings, personalized notifications, human support and upgradeable maintenance. Ease of use and efficiency are our watchwords for a worry-free school catering service that complies with food safety standards.

TabletProductsCorrective actions

1. Find your exact Standard Operational Procedures thanks to a flexible, tailor-made solution

Simplifiez et améliorez la gestion de votre Plan de Maîtrise Sanitaire en le digitalisant sur-mesure avec notre solution flexible. Adaptez les autocontrôles HACCP digitalisés spécifiquement à vos procédures et normes d'hygiène en restauration scolaire mais aussi à vos méthodes, habitudes de travail et envies.

Notre solution, complète et évolutive, vous permet de sélectionner les modules (sécurité alimentaire, opérations, RH, admin, etc.) dont vous avez besoin mais aussi de créer de nouveaux autocontrôles à la volée selon l'évolution de votre Plan de Maîtrise Sanitaire ou des réglementations au fil du temps, garantissant ainsi une adaptation parfaite aux besoins actuels et futurs de vos établissements.

2. Manage your school catering network with complete peace of mind, thanks to precise monitoring of on-site operations

Improve the quality of your network with our HACCP application and management tools. Globally control the food safety of products and foodstuffs used in school canteens via a single tool for optimal, simplified management.

Our application supports staff in the field and in the kitchen at every stage, with contextual aids, tasks to do, temperature thresholds and controls adapted to each profile.

Thanks to our reports and dashboards tailored to different departments, from Quality to Management, you can see at a glance how well self-checks (hygiene rules on the premises, food preservation, product reception, meal delivery, cold and hot links, etc.) is being carried out, and identify any non-compliances issues.
Automatically detect high-risk sites to initiate proactive action. Stimulate positive emulation between sites and kitchens with monthly performance reports.

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3. Harmonize HACCP best practices within your network

Harmonize the best practices of your HACCP standards across your network, with digitalized self-checks adapted to your procedures and each type of site. Benefit from the expertise of a dedicated Eezytrace project manager to guarantee optimal implementation in your establishments.

Our food safety solution enables you to unify your product quality and hygiene practices, ensuring greater consistency and efficiency in all your school catering operations.

4. Opt for efficient deployment thanks to an experienced partner

Guarantee effective implementation by choosing a partner with a proven track record of successful large-scale deployments. Tailor training to your organization with a variety of options: Eezytrace Academy e-learning platform, distance learning, on-site training (on site, at your facility, etc.) or train-the-trainer.

Benefit from the support of a dedicated Eezytrace project expert to ensure optimal, customized implementation in your school kitchens and canteens.


5. Ensure staff buy-in with a simple, intuitive interface

Get your staff to adhere to your HACCP procedures and standards by guaranteeing optimized ergonomics for kitchen staff, thanks to Eezytrace's ergonomic principles.

Create customized self-checks programs, available in several languages, with step-by-step guidance and intuitive non-compliances management. Facilitate daily work and operations in the kitchen, with context-sensitive help and alerts for hygiene tasks, cleaning of premises, rapid chilling, cold or hot links, use-by dates for foodstuffs, etc.

See the outcomes

Peace of mind

against food poisoning through the proper application of hygiene practices and HACCP standards in your establishments.

Less paper, food and energy waste

self-checks HACCP notebooks, traceability of product labels, paper procedures, identification of energy losses, use-by dates for foodstuffs...

Automatic risk analysis

Transform your risk management approach by implementing the Wizard and its continuous compliance analysis system for each site and facility.

Testimonial Image

"We were able to benefit from customization adapted to our operations, enabling complete and efficient HACCP management of our central and satellite kitchens."

Béatrice Lilienfeld-Magry

Béatrice Lilienfeld-Magry

Director of CdE10
Read the full story

Eezytrace benefits appreciated by school caterers



You benefit from the flexibility of our system in all areas (parameterization of self-checks, training, PLCs and interconnectivity, etc.).



Your teams at head office, in the kitchen, in the field... quickly get to grips with the solution thanks to an intuitive application.


Customer Success

A consultant will be dedicated to you (training, customer support, changes in settings, etc.).


Integrate your tools and optimize your processes with our customized APIs

Take advantage of gateways between your preferred tools, with interconnectivity with CAPM software and our APIs already available or tailor-made. Integrate data from your self-checks Eezytrace into your tools, update your Eezytrace settings directly from your company's or structure's internal systems, retrieve measurements and alerts from your sensors, and more.
Need a specific API? Our experts develop customized systems and solutions to meet your needs, guaranteeing seamless, personalized integration.

The most used self-checks in mass catering

Food safety - HACCP

Complete traceability

Follow every step of the way, from raw material reception and preparation to portage.

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Registration and attendance

Easily clock in and clock out agents.

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Check the temperatures of hot or cold meals.

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Product Preparation and T°

Check cooking temperatures and meal quality

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Reheating and fast-cooling

Save time with automatic calculation of time and temperature thresholds.

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Cleaning and Disinfection Plan

Help your staff know what surfaces need to be cleaned and when.

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The benchmark HACCP application for the school catering industry

Protect your brand with Eezytrace by ensuring compliance with regulations and your own standards, and meeting DDPP requirements. Thanks to rigorous monitoring of raw materials and dishes, identify critical points and control hazards to guarantee the health of your students. Eezytrace helps you control risks and secure your business, by preventing incidents. Ensure food quality and safety, and strengthen the brand image of your school canteens.

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