Testimony - Pauline Fauque - Customer Success Manager

Facilitating food safety for employees

Tell us about your role and that of the Customer Success department within Eezytrace

"My role is to ensure that every customer is fully satisfied with their experience with Eezytrace. With our team, we work every day to ensure that our values of quality, responsiveness and adaptability are reflected in everything we do.

To ensure quality, all of our know-how and expertise is available to our clients to deliver an application that meets 100% of their needs. Each team member works with multiple clients, which allows us to gain in-depth knowledge of their businesses and come up with new ideas to improve their experience.

As far as responsiveness is concerned, we are aware of the importance of our solution and of food safety for our customers. That is why we strive to respond quickly to their needs, proposing new controls or adapting the application to current legislation. We also have internal tools that allow us to customize the solution and meet the specific needs of each customer. In addition, our helpdesk is committed to responding to users as quickly as possible and making their user experience simple and pleasant.

Finally, when it comes to adaptability, our customers' needs are at the center of our actions. We work closely with them to understand their needs and ensure that the application perfectly reflects the requirements of the field. Today, we are able to adapt to any request, whatever it may be."


"Our Customer Success Managers are true project managers and help plan and deploy Eezytrace to all sites."

How do you help clients meet their challenges?

"Our Customer Success team works closely with our customers to meet their challenges. They are supported throughout their journey, from project definition to customer care, deployment and training. We have a full range of services to ensure their satisfaction throughout their history with Eezytrace.

The application is customized according to their SOP, their procedures, their operations, their sector, their level of digital maturity, etc. They can choose on-site or remote training to help users understand and use the application effectively. In addition, we provide customized training materials, such as user guides and explanatory videos, to help them adopt the solution more easily.

Our Customer Success Managers (CSM) are true project managers and help plan and deploy Eezytrace on all their sites. Our customers are coached on prerequisites, planning, anticipating all factors such as hardware delivery, on-site connection and training. We also closely monitor the adoption and achievement of their goals, tracking usage trends, connections and contacts with our customer support.

As CSM, we are also the voice of our customers internally and work closely with the Eezytrace product and technical teams to improve and evolve our product. Our customers' needs and ideas are analyzed and prioritized for the development of new features.

Finally, our users benefit from a support team dedicated to helping them when needed. They can contact our team by phone or email for help with questions, technical issues or additional needs. All requests are handled quickly to ensure strong adoption of our solution."


"We are proud of the positive feedback from executives, managers and quality managers."

How does the CSM team bring value to Eezytrace users?

"Our clients benefit from a dedicated contact person. Each CSM is responsible for a portfolio of clients. He or she is their privileged contact and therefore knows their issues, news and needs, which enables him or her to provide tailor-made support.

Users benefit from best practices, especially in terms of self-check. We rely on the observations made by our other customers to propose ideas, new ways of doing things, changes in procedures, etc.

We provide advice on how to best use our tools in the form of pop-ups on our web portal, videos, customer mailings, etc.

Our customers are supported in understanding and using their data. We offer them ongoing training on our new features, including how to effectively leverage the data coming in from the field. We never leave them alone in front of their screen."

How do you track customer and user satisfaction?

"We have put in place various indicators to measure our customers' satisfaction and prioritize our actions. For example, after each training session, we send out a satisfaction questionnaire. This feedback allows us to ensure that our customers are satisfied with the training we offer.

The adoption of the solution from the first days of deployment is monitored by measuring the rate of connection and use of the application. If an unsatisfactory rate is observed, we react quickly by offering additional support such as training or reinforced assistance.

Our users are regularly surveyed to measure their level of satisfaction. We use the Net Promoter Score (NPS1) as a key indicator of customer satisfaction.

Finally, to keep track of our customers' needs, our help desk activity is reviewed. We monitor how often users contact our support, what issues they are concerned about, and ensure that issues are resolved quickly and efficiently."

What are the results you are proud of?

"We are pleased with all the successes we are achieving on the Customer Success team, which are translating into real and meaningful results for our customers.

Our trainings allow users to become digitally literate and come out of these trainings enthusiastic about our solution. We are also delighted to be able to digitize our clients' SOP in the application in order to meet 100% of their needs.

The rapid deployment of the solution on parks of several hundred sites in different countries is always a great source of satisfaction for us. This allows our customers to quickly benefit from the advantages of the solution.

We are also pleased with the evolutions of the solution based on feedback from customers and users.

Finally, we are proud of the positive feedback from executives, directors and quality managers, such as

These results encourage us to pursue our mission and continue to offer an innovative solution to our customers.

Our next step is to support our customers in the implementation of our Eezytrace Score module. This will allow them to automatically identify their at-risk sites and protect their brand even better."

1 NPS (Net Promoter Score) is a widely used key customer satisfaction indicator that measures customer loyalty and commitment to a company or brand.

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