Succeeding with a deployment project in a large multi-site company

Facilitating food safety for employees

Multi-site deployment project management

Deployment project management in large multi-site enterprises is the set of processes and methods used to plan, execute and control the deployment of digital solutions in several sites at once, in order to ensure the quality, consistency and speed of their implementation. All this with the ultimate goal of user acceptance and mastery of the new solution.

In the food industry, deployment project management is critical to the successful integration of a digital risk management solution into your organization. The deployment of these solutions will impact all of your sites, departments and teams, and requires careful planning and ongoing monitoring.

With a clear change management strategy and an investment in coaching your employees throughout the deployment process, you are 3.5 times more likely to achieve the expected results1.

The consequences of poor project management

Poor project management can lead to several negative consequences, including:

  • The risk of additional delays: poor planning and resource management can lead to delays in the deployment of the solution.
  • The risk of additional costs: Poor planning can also result in unnecessary additional costs, including time, resources, and additional expenses.
  • The risk of loss of quality of service: poor project management can lead to malfunctions and quality of service problems for end users. For example, a site may be deployed with an inappropriate configuration, bugs may appear, or data may be lost. All of this can harm the company's brand image and even the health of consumers.
  • The risk of demotivating teams: chaotic project management can create stress and pressure for the teams involved. Delays, bugs or quality of service problems can impact the productivity of teams and demotivate them.

These negative consequences can impact the quality of the deployment and compromise the expected benefits of the implemented digital solution.

Key steps of a deployment project

A deployment project is a complex task that requires careful planning and execution from the moment you select your provider. Key steps include:

Have a dedicated manager

A dedicated person is assigned to your company to accompany the deployment of the solution and ensure regular follow-up. This person gets to know your company, answers your questions and ensures that the tool is used optimally so that you can achieve your objectives. By working closely with your team, she can also suggest adjustments and improvements to maximize the effectiveness of the solution.

Analyze your needs

The next step is to determine the needs of the business and the different sites, but also to identify the technical constraints and expectations of the different people involved in the project. It is therefore important to understand the different processes, workflows, roles and responsibilities of the different teams in order to define the deployment method best suited to your company's needs. A service provider with experience in large groups will be able to help you identify these different elements in advance.

Define success and ROI indicators

To measure the success of your deployment project, it is essential to define key performance indicators (KPI). These KPIs are determined at the beginning of the project with your dedicated manager. They must be relevant and measurable, directly linked to the objectives defined upstream. They generally cover the deployment itself but also the success of the entire digitalization project. As the KPIs are almost infinite depending on your company and the people involved (field, managers, head office...), we will only mention a few:

For headquarters and managers :

  • the expected ROI,
  • compatibility with the existing IT system,
  • the quality and ease of use of the high-level dashboards (group level),
  • the reliability of the information,
  • the impact on the employer image,
  • retention of employees on site,
  • speed of execution,
  • improvement of the respect of the processes...

For the field:

  • the quality of the training,
  • the ease of use,
  • saving space by eliminating the need to store paper labels,
  • the quality of the equipment (tablets, printers, probes...),
  • the absence of bugs,
  • the availability of the provider's technical support...

✅ These performance indicators will be the foundation that will allow you to monitor the smooth progress of the project with your provider and ensure the profitability of the investment.

Planning the project

Once the indicators are defined, it is time to plan the deployment. This step involves defining the objectives, resources needed, timelines and milestones of the project. Even if you have hundreds of sites to equip, these projects can be done easily. A phased rollout, with a small number of sites (pilot phase) before full rollout, is generally the best method for large retailers. It allows to perfect the trainings, the self-checks, the awareness keys, to make them even more efficient, for a greater appropriation by all the sites afterwards.

Communicate regularly

Clear and regular communication with the various stakeholders is essential to the success of the project. Communication must be adapted to the needs of each stakeholder and must be defined at the beginning of the project. Many means are available:

  • Collaborative communication platforms (Slack, Teams...) ;
  • Weekly meetings;
  • Reporting and monitoring tables;
  • Meetings and training...

Deployment teams must communicate regularly with the various sites to ensure that needs are understood and expectations are met. It is also important to schedule training for end users to familiarize them with the new digital solutions. Finally, regular communication with the provider and supplier will ensure that the project is progressing according to expectations and that any deviations from the original plan are quickly identified.

Prepare or have prepared the material

It is important to plan a solid technical preparation to succeed in your project. This preparation, carried out by your service provider or by your teams, includes the perfect digital reproduction of your SOP, the configuration of the tablets and then the sending of the equipment on site. A good technical preparation allows to ensure a faster and more efficient deployment, while avoiding possible technical problems.

Choose the right training

It is essential to accompany this change, and for that, to plan customized training for yourself and the various users, according to their level of competence and their specific needs. The method best adapted to your company will optimize the transfer of skills and the necessary training time.

For example, it is possible to provide training for managers (site managers, regional directors, market managers and quality referents, etc.), who can then train the teams on site. For this, there are several training methods, such as distance learning, multi-step training with question-and-answer sessions, and single sessions with modules on a specific tool. It is important that these trainings take into account the questions and requests of the users, to guarantee a good appropriation of the digital tools. Tutorial videos, which will remain accessible from the tablets or the web portal, can also be proposed to allow users to train at their own pace, whether remotely or on site.

Follow-up the project

Monitoring is a crucial step in the deployment project. It ensures that the solution is being used and that it meets the needs of the business. Monitoring can involve regular evaluations, progress reports and meetings with various stakeholders.

Dedicated dashboards, provided by your provider, can allow you to monitor the deployment, the proper functioning of the equipment and the proper use of the solution.

To conclude

To succeed in a large-scale deployment projectIt is crucial to choose the right supplier who can support you in the key stages, from the needs analysis to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.

Project management for the deployment of digital solutions in the food sector is a key element to successfully transition to more efficient and safer processes. Poor project management can have significant negative consequences, while good project management will give you greater confidence in your food safety procedures.

1 According to a Deloitte study, companies that have a clear change management strategy and invest in coaching their employees throughout the deployment process are 3.5 times more likely to achieve the desired results of their digital transformation project.

To go further in risk management, download our step-by-step guide of 36 pages. (Available in English soon)

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