[VIDEO] TotalEnergies comments on the benefits brought by Eezytrace

TotalEnergies' users comment on the benefits brought by SGS services and Eezytrace Digital Monitoring solution regarding HACCP Risk Management in their stations.

Facilitating food safety for employees

At TotalEnergies, health and safety rhyme with commitment. Controlling food safety and facilitating the day-to-day operations of its employees are priorities for the company, which has deployed the Eezytrace digital solution across its service station network, in partnership with SGS, the world leader in certification, inspection and analysis.

Pauline Licette - Boutique sales hostess

"Eezytrace, I use it at a reception. For fresh products and temperature. Packaging condition. Etc. All checks are done on the tablet. I no longer need to use paper for receipts. I can take a photo of the receipt. I can archive the delivery note by simply taking a photo of it. And in the event of non-compliance, corrective actions are proposed directly on the application."

If everything's good, it's off to the fridge. Now it's time for Pauline to check the best-before dates.

"Before Eezytrace, it was complicated to manage out-of-date products. You had to check all the shelves. Now, it's much simpler. Thanks to the notifications, I know exactly what I need to remove from the shelves. I save a lot of time. With the tablet, you scan the barcode of an item. The expiration date is displayed. Then all you have to do is pick up the product and check the dates. So, if the date is right, we validate."

And what about temperatures?

"It's even easier to read the temperatures of the enclosures. It goes up automatically on the app. I no longer have to take temperatures by hand, speaker by speaker. I save two hours a day."

Simple, fast and fun, Eezytrace has won new fans in restaurants too. Julie explains how this solution makes her life easier when it comes to managing cleaning schedules.

Julie Mattel - Catering Assistant

"I'll take a look at the surface to be cleaned. Thanks to Eezytrace, I know exactly what surface I still have to clean. I indicate on the tablet when it's done and everything is updated. Maintenance, Cleaning statement, Closed. And that's it. And then I go back to it if I want to do another one."

In the production area, the application also facilitates product labeling, as Julie explains.

"Secondary use-by dates for opened products are calculated automatically. There's no need to worry about mistakes. I take a photo of my product. I note down the opening date and the best-before date is calculated automatically. I close and print my label. And the label comes straight out of the printer once the information has been entered and validated on the tablet. My tablet has become indispensable; it follows me everywhere, all day long."

Thanks to the Manager web portal portal, all data entered on Eezytrace can be accessed in real time, anywhere, anytime. Site manager Grégory Meradou has found a new management tool in Eezytrace.

Gregory Meradou - Site Manager

"Before, I had to look for a notebook, it wasn't practical. Now, from my desk, I can find out everything. If all the checks have been carried out or if there are any non-conformities. And I can validate corrective actions. In the event of an audit, I have access to the entire history of controls carried out with Eezytrace. It's very simple."

Denis Hayer is responsible for food safety at service stations, and thanks to Eezytrace he has access to precise, real-time analysis tools for global network supervision.

Denis Hayer - Food Safety Division Manager

"From now on, we can analyze the HACCP performance of our plants with a single click, in real time. Before, we only had audits, but to analyze the level of hygiene control. Now we can identify sites in difficulty and carry out action plans before an incident occurs."

At a time of digital transformation, Total Énergie is providing its teams with a complete and innovative tool, and winning its bet to guarantee its customers food safety and the quality of its products and services on a daily basis.

To go further in risk management, download our step-by-step guide of 36 pages. (Available in English soon)

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