Automatically identify your high-risk sites

Eezytrace Score protects brands and their customers from a health crisis through intelligent analysis of thousands of daily data points, based on EEWORX Data Science.

A new era of continuous risk control, with no effort, no on-site travel.

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Automated Auditing

But how did we do it before?

"The Eezytrace Scoring algorithm was developed at the request of our customers. They needed an objective, continuous and detailed view of the risks of all their sites, without having to wait for each inspection. The 4 years of R&D have enabled our clients to automate the control of their risks, right up to the provision of summary reports, without having to travel."
- Julien Gomez - Co-Founder

Less effort.
More control.

By automating the assessment of risks and day-to-day field practices,
you can focus your efforts solely on improving areas of weakness.

Automate risk management in real time

Critical tasks omissions, eroding controls, sudden employee turnover, lack of organisation or awareness. Every day there are many reasons for a crisis to occur, and the amount of data you have is too great to be processed by hand. The risk is constant and will not wait for the next site inspection. Eezytrace analyses your activity and detects hidden points of weakness.

MOVE from a culture of reactivity
to an ERA of proactivity

This site has far fewer non-compliances than the rest of my network... why is that? That one regularly carries out its morning checks at the end of the day. On this site, non-compliance processing time is surprisingly higher than average for this process, do they need help?
Meet your new assistant you could not live without.


Involvement, understanding of issues, knowledge mastery... the daily behavior of your teams is key to risk control.
Thanks to Eezytrace Score, influence your company and gain the trust of your customers, your teams and inspectors.

Reduce inspections with continuous analysis

Traditional inspections are no longer adapted to today's constraints. To reduce costs and resources, Eezytrace Score uses Data-Science to automate the detection of daily deviations. Fewer inspections, greater efficiency: our platform analyzes data in real time to identify hidden weak points.

Smart offer:
Eezytrace Score + Explore

Reinventing Compliance with Tech and Data